Willie Desjardins Fired as head coach of Vancouver Canucks

Following a disheartening loss by his team to the Detroit Red Wings on Thursday night it , there is a rumor circulating amongst certain media circles that the decision to let Desjardins go has been made.

Though there are increasingly many in Vancouver who have now been allowed in on the secret. It also appears the coach himself has already been informed of ownership's decision , clearly, the Canucks know playing broken telephone in the information age is a game best not played,

In hotter water will be the few "unnamed sources" who were allowed in on the info and leaked it. One also might wonder if this is all a smookscreen to remove media informants from the inner sanctum at Rogers place, but taking ownership's propensity for nominating a fall guy to to take the blame for their ill-conceived directives one would think this is probably the real thing and they were giving their loyal press toadies a chance to have the story ready for the mourning edition.

As an interesting aside, I wonder if you can guess who the leak is?

To quickly eulogize Coach Wille I would say this:

" Real good effort"

You can't fault him for much, he has a family to feed, and the only way for him to keep the checks coming, considering the delusional directives he was given from up above, was to trap like his life depended on it,

The fact the Canucks have an exemplary record on defense this year is testament to his coaching prowess, to that end he deployed the personal he thought would be more likely to keep his family from the bread line. That did not include "learning on the job" rookies like the Canucks "lightning rod de jour" Jake Virtanen.

Firing a coach who did about as much as any coach could do, save one granted job security to allow losses in the name of development, may prove a poor decision,

Think about it, if you are an NHL coach starting his career, do you roll the dice on an owner who seems to do the crime and hire others to do the time?

If you are an established coach?

No, you don't, but I digress,

It seems the water has come flowing through the portholes and the ships band is about to play" nearer my god to thee"  The Vancouver Canucks are plunging to the ocean's floor,

All I can say then is....

...SWIM WILLY SWIM! And don't look back!


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