VANCOUVER CANUCKS!! How's that "Re-build on the fly going?" Time for this team to "Own" it's problems

Remember last season? The one before maybe? I doubt it.

 Psychiatrists say that extream boredom over a prolonged period can cause long term memory loss and actual brain damage if the mind isn't positively engaged at some point. In light of that, just concentrate on getting those mashed peas into your mouth, I'll assume the answer is "Nyaha..."

No biggie, there really isn't much worth remembering, if you followed the Cancuks recently you have probably considered calling up the front office and demanding to be put on the payroll, because you can see no other logical reason to subject yourself to this drudgery. In fact, I'm willing to guess that if you remember much of anything it's not the stuff on the ice that caught your eye, more likely it was the noise from the stands that remains tattooed on your poor gray matter.

"Tanking is for losers!" "Baertschi is going to break out for 30!" "Erickson is just what the twins need!" "They have McDavid but we have Horvat" Or my favorite "Whatever we need we can trade Edler and Hansen to get" Are some of the ideas you've no doubt been subjected to from ,what several news sources christened ,"The most obnoxious fan base in sports" during the Gillis era. I wonder if they took similar polls today, since the last few years have turned blustering arrogance into delusional petulance, if  they would also find us the dumbest.

  Perhaps one too many Vancouverites read the New York Times bestseller THE SECRET and believe that so long as they refuse to admit their team has made about every wrong move a team could make over the last couple three years, that one day they will wake up' see Cup Pendants from '94 and '11 hanging on their walls, Log on to CDC to see their team in first place, Horvat leading the league in scoring (Virtanen #2 Joulevi leading D scoring' just ahead of Gudbranson) and know all is right in the world before they bellow from their basement command-center: "MOM! WHERE'S BREAKFAST?!?"

Maybe they can.......but that day is not today, for their excuses denials and outright delusion have produced about as much as the home teams powerplay, so expertly run by Phillip "Coffey who?" Larsson. So assuming the power of positive thinking won't fix this "mess" (Pun intended...ha...ha....ha) maybe exposing the lies and whomever is responsible for the failure will,

 First of all, hindsight is not 20/20. Anyone with half a brain knew that the ONLY goal last season should have been to call Mathews name at the draft, clearly this advice was drowned out in a chorus of "Tanking is for losers" These days, everyone who that"and "we've got a really talented roster, you'll see" is either weeping in a corner or noticeably quiet these days. Those with a little jam left on their toast might be so spunky as to say: "what's the difference? were losing anyway"

The difference is this: we are handcuffed to LoiusEriksonn for the next how many years?, We have drafted defensive longshots like Joulevi and marginally talented project players with the all-important "big body" (Virtanen) instead of drafting what a team with nothing needs to draft: OFFENSIVE TALENT!!!!!! The Miller and Vbrata signings alone set us back 3 years. Many of us called that one too. But nobody wanted to hear it, they said:

 "The problem was MIKE GILLIS!" Was it?

 Let me put this question to all the young Bowmans and short bus analyists: If Gillis was the problem, why has the decision making been consistently bad since BEFORE he was fired, since right around the time Tortarella was hired? If you can answer that question, then you can answer the $10.99 plus GST question, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS TEAM?

The problem with this team is not J.B and it sure as hell isn't Trev, by all accounts they both know exactly what is wrong and what they would like to do to fix it. You can deny my next statement all you want, argue to your hearts content call me a Flames fan or whatever, but what I am about to say is fact whether you care to believe it or not......

THE PROBLEM IS OWNERSHIP...............PERIOD...............YES THAT'S RIGHT                    O...W...N...E...R...S...H...I...P    

Ownership had good short term reasons for trying to fill the building up, and chasing the all-important playoff revenue' but the gamble has failed.

I believe we may see some big changes before 2017 is through, although that is speculation on my part. There are various back room machinations and shifting sands that I am not directly privy too.

Go ahead, kick, scream do what you will, we are exactly where I said we would be doing exactly what I said we would do for the exact reasons I said we would. But just remember, the next time you start an anti-JB or anti-Trev rant, those guys are the only ones fighting to turn this ship around, and that taking flack for bad decisions they didn't make, is part of thier job description.

 Our owners did not like Brian Burke (Possibly for a good reason) they were skeptically patient with Nonis to a point and were %100 swept off their feet by Mike Gillis,. When the Gillis empire started to crumble they decided they had been around long enough to know how to run a hockey team. That's how we ended up with the bizarre Torts situation. When that blew up in their face they turned to Trev,. They wanted to use his credit with the public to buy themselves some time' he allowed them to do this and brought his old team mate on board thinking he could make sure the ship was steered correctly through the troubled waters he saw ahead. But beyond the hiring of a GM and coach his advice has been more or less ignored.

So there you have it. All roads lead to Rome, or at least the British Properties. The stubbornness displayed by current ownership is awe inspiring and could quite possibly take up fiddling while the afore-mentioned city burns. So I will not forecast a change in climate anytime soon, it's going to be stormy. On ALL fronts.

The only question is: How long can  Trev front for a decision maker he does not agree with? It has to be killing him to watch the trap-garbage being played on the ice at Rodgers, he is on record saying that he believes in fast up-temp exciting hockey and that at the end of the day,  the hockey business is the entertainment business. What his team has become must be an insult to his entire philosophy about the game.

And how about you dear reader? How long can you hold out? Or have you already left the sunken ship?

Notice I didn't say "sinking" Those days are over.

This team has hit the bottom.


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