Who is going to save the Vancouver Canucks? YOU ARE!

“Resolution, like responsibility, is a product of ownership, and kids can't resolve a conflict until they figure out how they contributed to it.” 
― Richard EyreThe Entitlement Trap: How to Rescue Your Child with a New Family System of Choosing, Earning, and Ownership

We are to blame for it all.

That's right, Louis Eriksson's goal drought, Jake Virtanen's rushed development, the lack of goal scoring even, it is all our fault.

The "We"I refer to is anyone who has put a dollar into the pocket of the Vancouver Canucks and more specifically, The Aqualinni family over the past three years.

And what a three years it has been! The inter-fan squabbling over "Re-build re-tool" philosophies filled many a message board with lively debate and a good time for all, but the fun is over , the debate ceased and as the smoke clears one and all realize what a few were saying all along: This ship is going down! Only now in November of 2016 we awake to find the decent over and that we are in fact resting on the ocean floor.

What's that you say? Don't remember hitting the iceberg?Allow me to refresh your memory. It was at the exact moment that then GM Mike Gillis was neutered and had the most silly coaching personal change thrust on him against his wishes, that the hull was sliced.

That was the first time the Aqualinni family said "Screw you mike, we are the owners, we are doing what WE want" The first time they decided they knew how to run a hockey team.

Just in case you aren't sure that they don't, step away from this blog for a moment and google Vancouver Canucks, come back when you are done........ok, now that we are all on the same page let's procead.

You would be forgiven for not knowing the full extent of the Aqualinni family's caustic effect on this teams fortunes, they rule the Canucks media availability with an iron hand and a reporter who isn't careful could find himself without credentials faster than a Jake Virtanen shift at 5 on 5, leaving him just about as effective.

Some voices have spoken up, media subtly hinting at fans what they already know to be true:


But it was the qoute attributed to Tony Gallager or the "Crypt-Keeper" as fans not so affectionately refer to him:

"I suspect ownership had a small influence in drafting Virtanen, said Gallagher." "Before he departed, Gillis told me that they liked Larkin."

Out of context it seems an odd thing to say, but once you take everything intoaccount, including the fact that Gallager is now all but retired and doesn't need to play nice for his media pass any more, and you realize what he is trying t tell you, T.G is trying to tell us who is on the grassy knoll.

So how is that your fault and how can you fix it, more so, how are you the ONLY one who can fix it? Simple, you need to cut off the child support

Done , finito , Zilch

It's time for the fans of the Vancouve r Canucks to dock Aqualinni's allowance thereby letting hikm known we will not tolerate buffoonery in the head office anymore. The team needs to re-build.

It needs to re-build NOW.

I hgumbly sugest you ssend an email to the office explaining that you will no longer tolerate the current state of affairs and you will be withholding your dollars until a re-build is embarked upon,

There is another vitally important side to thiss you need to remember, if the re-build is embarked upon, you need to bring your dollars back and show them you support.

Anyway you slice it this team wont be winning abnythingh for a while, we can however start swing our way back to the surface . and stop digging the ocean's floor to see how much lower we can get.

The only entity with the power to make this happen is YOU, so should the Canucks continue to make bizarre and ineffective decisions and you are putting money in the pockets,

you have only yourself to blame.


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