Vancouver Canucks: Dr. Kevorkian? WE NEED YOU! Canucks trying to Acquire Johnathan Huberdeau

Dr. Kevorkian Where are youz?!?!

Who remembers the infamous Dr. Death who, for a time in the 90's, appeared to have been present at the death of everyone in Michigan for about a three-year span?

Well, it wasn't as sinister as I made it sound, he was actually a caring gentleman who did not like to see the sick and wounded suffer, and therefore fought for legalized euthanasia, assisted suicide.

Don't worry, Hockey is about fun so I won't spend too much time ruminating on this morbid simile, but rest assured the players fans and most likely management of the Vancouver Canucks are probably begging to be put out of their misery.

It.s not just that they are a bad hockey team, we are way passed that. You see being a bad hockey team implies that you are playing hockey, just doing it poorly, but In my books there is a checklist of things you should be able to scratch off if you are indeed playing the "Coolest gamer on earth" (HAHAHA WTF? love to play poker with the marketing genius who crapped that idea out, probably after the Hot salsa special at Taco bell. )

Can you skate? Check

Pass? Check (Sit down Horvat!)

Hit? Check

Score? Once in a while?..........HIT THE BRAAAAAKES!!!!

The Vancouver Canucks or unable to muster the necessary chutzpah to execute this most basic function,  and inability to do this , in my books,disqulifies them from being honored with the title "Bad Hockey team"

This is in fact, a gaggle of dunce-capped children, a posse of "Brokeback" cowboys,  a band of inbred banjo pickers and a smearing of poo-pantsed potty-trainees' Any and all of these describe what we have seen on the ice from the Canucks this year,

Bad hockey team? They wish'

That covers the players, but what about the fans? For what can we wish? Other than Dr. Kevorkian as an emergency call up who starts next game on a line with Baerschi, I think that Vancouver faithfull might be in the mode for a BLOCKBUSTER TRADE!! well according to a few within the organization, the red heels are on and Toto is Barking,

That red emergency batphone direct line from GM place to MIAMI has apparently been ringing' rumor has it J.B has been trying at the request of his owner, to shall we say "Mortgage the farm" Recently, it seems most if not all pieces are in play for the desperate hockey club., and their most honored trading partner has suggested a deal which could blow the roof off of B.C place once and fo all (Good riddance)

IIt seems as though in light of their cap situation which will soon include unexpected break out players and draft picks performing better than expected, the Panthers will have to sacrifice more than Gudbranson to the cap gods. And this time the player they are offering is the name you want to hear.

Johnathan Hubercdeau

Yep, that's right, FLA's cap forecast calls for another bloated salary to be shed and rumor has it, they think they have more than enough skill by committee to replace the former 3rd overall pick. And to replace it without the inherent y high price tag that comes with singing high draft picks and former rookies of the year.would be just fine by them It makes sense, they don't really need his offense anymore, and it's not as if he has ever scored anything close to 100pts anyway, also he is so often hurt there is doubt amongst the Panthers brain trust that he will be able to withstand the brutality of a long playoff run, So it's easy to see why he may be the next Pacific NW exile, but what are they asking for?

And this is why the deal isn't already done:
Jake Virtanen and the Canucks 1st round pick 2017

Rumor has it the Canucks have countered with Virtanen and 2 2nds and Virtanen and Demko' but that Panther seem to know they have the Canucks on the ropes, they are driving hard for a home run, and with every passing loss they are closing to breaking the will of Canucks management

If Vancouver is to give up its first-rounder in a  deal, perhaps they could ask for FLA to send Kavorkian back as future considerations? Because if we lose that pick, the fans are going to need him


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