The Vancouver Canucks are looking better? DON'T PARADE ON MY RAIN!

Oh I hear you out there....

No quite courageous enough to own it but snickering behind the backs of all us pragmatists, mocking us, taking the piss, as the English would say.....and why would you see fit to mock such uber-reasonable folk such as myself?

Because the Frigging Canucks have won a couple of games. Now save you I told you so for the VD clinic, you never told me NUTHIN' and in fact what is happening is what I and others have been telling you would happen since before the beginning of the season,

Yes, that's right, this is still WORST CASE SCENARIO

The worst thing that can happen to this team this year is not finishing dead last, all who still have a brain cell or two functioning know that. The worst thing that could;d happen is EXACTLY what is happening,

The Canucks are making a valiant and heroic push to the middle of the pack, where they will, and I guarantee this, miss the playoffs

But......but....we are building a culture of winning!


Were the flames building a culture of winning as they meddled around for half a decade to the enjoyment of no-one (Except maybe the player's wives every two weeks) Look where the Flames are now? Still with thew arguments? Well inspect these clues, Sherlock:

1. The Flames didn't start moving towards where they are now until they finally jettisoned all of their remaining veterans. Those very moves are what set the team up to draft Monahan, Johnny hockey and the rest of the amazingly entertaining core they have built.

Had they not stubbornly held on so long and dumped the vets sooner they would be further along than they are now, because if you think back, when they finally decided to deal Iginla, a late round first was about all they could manage, Kipper (sport that he is) refused a trade that would have had him play elsewhere for a couple of months at most before his retirement. So much for "Cup hunger"

No friends, if the Canucks are winning now it does not mean I or any of the other doomsday prognostigators are wrong it means we are more right than even before. Louis Erickson is picking up the pace as I predicted he would and with the incredible resurgence of Alex Burrows (Must admit I'm a sucker for a Burrow's come back, this team has never had a warrior this committed, it has been said by some that half of the players in today's NHL would not have been able to play during thre 70's and 80's, they would not have been able to handle the violence and vicious play, I tell you this friends, Alex Burrows would not have only played in those eras, he would have thrived.) This team has begun the heroic push towards mediocrity, the WORST place it could possibly


And so the insanity continues....


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