Why the Boss RC 202 looper is better than the 505 and how it helps the creative process.

With the Boss RC 202 Looper, there is both good news and bad news

Bad news first? Ok...

Sounds like poo

16-bit digital mud farts

in my opinion going under standard with sound quality is stupid, because the people using this aren't guitar players looking to have chords back up their solos at the local unemployment office talent show

, the people who buy this (me) are writing songs in a studio environment and would prefer not to have to re-track things

But the good news is this: it doesn't matter, this thing is magic. EXCELLENT creative/writing tool. Also, this is awesome for DJ sets.

If your live DJ mixer has an FX loop then this is all you need for Live Remixing. And the front end FX cover all the standard DJ FX for non-remix standard set FX.

I do a lot of TV cues, that have pretty standard formats. So this thing has allowed me to make full use of my Korg Volcas, which are a pain in the ass to integrate. But with this thing, I track em' out part by part sticking to the cue format and I have batches of cues going to the director which are Volca only! Who would have thought? I thought they were just for show!

Of course it's nothing you couldn't do with Abelton, but as we all know having dedicated hardware for certain applications can increase productivity, and for DJ sets, if you insist on using Vinyl as I do, it's indispensable.

For something that kind of sounds like ****, I'm certainly loving it!

I've considered getting a 505 but have decided that with that many tracks, I'm going to be trying to make a "Record" every time I use it and that would defeat the purpose of my having one of these things.

The two tracks makes my usage of this thing unique from any other gear I own, it forces me to do things faster, and to know where I'm headed. It minimizes screwing around and makes me produce the "Steak" of any idea immediately so I don't waste hours messing with "sizzle"

The fact that this wasn't designed to sit on some ******s pedal board makes it preferable from other models like it, as far as layout and usability it's concerned

So, you'll have to decide for yourself whether this can help you or you would be better off with a 505, of course, if you do get the 505 just know you'll be missing out on an entirely different workflow and in my opinion, will be doing things better accomplished in a DAW

This is my first looper and I am quite shocked that it has become essential gear for me, my Octatrack continues to gather dust on the shelf,

This is the Best, worst sounding gear I never knew I needed!


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