AHL to develop my game? DEVELOP THIS ASSCLOWN!

          It sometimes seems that people think being sent down is like going to some never ending

training camp where you can "Work on your skating" or "Develope your game"

It's showtime down there as well, the coach needs to win to keep his job, the building needs to be full for people to be paid.

In the minors your skills are assessed for what they are now and how they will best help the team make money. You can get pigeon-holed as a minor league role player really fas, and before you know it the NEXT wave of young guys come along and you are forgotten.

You want to be a star? Act like your one!

They send you to the minors, tell them to "F#$K off"

You name stays in the news, people think you are important. Someone desperate for talent offers a deal. You get traded to a place where they give you an NHL contract. If you have precieved worth SOMEONE will be desprite enough to give you a shot, and sme money along with it.

Every player of perceived worth should think twice about accepting reassignment to the minors.  at a certain point you have to force the team's hand otherwise they will put you on the shelf until it suits THEM to take you down.

Instead when they try and send you down, tell them "I can't, I sent your Mom down this morning and she really needs to work on her 2-way game"


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