Are serial killers possessed? Why Jeffry Dahmer has me considering it

Jeffrey Dahmer,

The name conjures a spine-chilling shudder for most mayber the shudder they felt when first informed of his Canibal/Rapist/Murderer's exploits in  MMilwaukeedurring the 80's and 90's.

On the heionous scale only John Wayne Gay comes close, these men and thier exploits are horror movies in real time. One almost subconciouly catagorized thiers stories as morbid entertainment due to the fact that the aveage human mind simply cannot concieve of the condition nessasary for one of thier like to do the things these men like Dahmer did.

Once the shudder completes it's circut it usually whipsaws the mouth of it's host to spill forth terns like "Sociopath, Monster,even Pience of shit cock-cooking faggot have been said shortly after his name is mentioned, but does the unarguably meek and mild Dahmer REALLY have what it takes to cross the neutral zone of?all things held sacred and commit the worst crimes one could imagine, let alone commit?.

I'm skeptical, this guy would have been happy to stay home and jack off to pictures of dead dogs
I've seen the guy interviewed, and with zero science to back it up, my gut says this guy does not have the balls to this alone, furthermore this guy seems to have something resembling a conscience
All these opinions are based on my first gut reaction to seeing the guy interviewed, my first impression of him. Meaningless to you I'm sure, but in my case the impression was shocking and cause for though for one reason:.,

, and if one of those people are you then you know you come to rely on those gut feelings, and why wouldn't you?they have never been wrong?

So when my spidey sense tingled in an odd way after viewing a clip of Dahmer discussing his crimes, I figured it deserved to be the subject for some pondering.

I have no experience or strong beliefs on this subject but it would be my opinion that Dahmer's work was masterminded by some "Other" intelligence of energy cluster or ...whatever that had come to take residence in Dahmer from a young ag Hearing about his isolated childhood awkward nature and homosexual preference further leaves me with the feeling that as a young boy he let something in. I have no idea how, what or what level of consent was given, but I suspect his particular fetishes made him vibrate at a frequency that others could control, manipulate and eventually take residence in.

Am I absolving him of responsibility? No, I don't believe this thing could be controlling him if he did not at some point give it permission too, even if once given, permission was no longer asked for. Those things I have no idea about, or exactly how much Jeffrie himself wanted these things to happen, but I don't think Jefferies's own was vicious, aggressive reckless and crazy enough to do the things that were done. He does not radiate that killer instinct that people who make drastic moves are charged with. Jeffery strikes me as meek mild, susceptible to bullying and easily influenced.

In Gacy, I saw someone influenced by something other than himself, however ,I believe he was 100% complicit in the crimes he commitedInt and therefore not worth of further analysis, in contrast , it would be my impression that Dahmer may have at one time been willing to go along with that which influenced him, but later was an unwilling (but unresisting) vessel.

I'll stop here as I have no evidence to back up this impression, I will not call it a thesis because it was not the product of thought, but empathic sampling and the messages therein.

I would not ask anyone to believe me, but it may be worthwhile to someone in the future to have this perspective on record.

I do not consider Dahmer to be a sociopath or a monster, I don't think he has the jam to be either, and I would bet money he had what would pass for a conscience. But somewhere along the line isolation and flirting with his lusts opened the door for something and called it to him wth some sort of depraved dog-whistle shriek.

But that's enough, enough talk, enough thought, enough energy put into this subject, I say a quick prayer for his victims and their families, and move on to the gift of life I (and you if you are reading) have at this moment.

Because as F.N said: "Look too long not into the abyss, for the abyss stares back into you"
So unlike Jeffry at whatever the critical moment was. I now choose to turn my thoughts to  something good and full of love. I suggest you do the same.


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