The curious case of Linden Vey

                             Linden Vey has cleared waivers via the Calgary Flames

      This may be the end of a bumpy road upon which a promising NHL career has run over some rus nails and blown all tires, a road that may end in the Swiss league,

Who is to blame besides the man him we self? Well, there's plenty to go around and to teach us all just what kind of damage can be done try to make ourselves feel better by dumping our negativity on someone else. One group that needs to look at it's pimple-scared Asian  face right in the mirror
 the fan base of the Vancouver Canucks, A group notoriously voted the most obnoxious fan-base in all of sports a few years back.

To this day, they mumble in broken English "What-a-made-a-anyone-give-a him-chance-in-first-place?"

Though Van fans were having too much fun hating on him too notice, Vey has a level of skill with the puck that rivals some of the best in the league, you only see it every once in a while and I saw it far less as time went on (and I assume the family situation started to weigh on him) But it was there, why do you think he's been given the chances he has? Because he sucks as bad as you think he does and professional hockey people know less about player evaluation than you? Those who watched him without prejudice and those whose job it was too watch him know the level of talent I am talking about.

 This is a sadder story than most realize as Vey had the raw talent to  something special, if I had to make a comparison I would say his game at it's best was actually similar to the Sedins. Sublime passes and stickhandling through concrete .Yes it happened, and it happened here, you just didn't want to see it. But Burke, Trev, JB the KIngs management all saw what you didn't

 Unfortunately, not long after coming here, it was obvious he was distracted, the plays he made seemed absent-minded, in fact, I would say Linden was a poster boy for the "Get your head in the game" cliche. Having gone through this scenario before, the Kings were quick to cut him loose before word got out that he was burdened with family problems. Which I'm sure was a bit of a blow to his confidence, after that I trul;ey believe the fans of Vancouver did their best to make sure that confidence never came back they (you) really enjoyed the feeling of kicking someone who appeared to be down. And kick you did.

 All the same, it was Vey's job to mentally rise above the situation and seize the opportunity regardless of distractions and negative atmospheres, unfortunately, that has proved to be too much to ask of him. Sadly, the issues which are most likely the main cause of his mental vacancy on the ice do not appear to be his fault in any way,

 I would hope that he might see the extream selfishness and callous behavior of certain people as being a sign that they are not worth him losing anything over, and that someone who has little regard for human life should not be given much influence over yours, but I suppose that's easy for me to say, and no one has been convicted of anything. Still, even if this is some sort of hoax, it does not do much to improve my opinion of the people involved or assertation that they should not be allowed to have their drama derail their son's career.But that was a choice Vey needed to make for himself, if in fact what appears to be happenings.

 Vey himself showed nothing but class during his time here, never whined for a second never ducked the media or any question's about his play, when the off ice stories broke, he once again look the press in the eye and told them how things were he also maintained that it was not to be considered an excuse for bad play on his part,

 Vey acted like a true professional during his time here, and if the way he conducted himself in public reflects the way he truly is, than I for one hope he pulls it all together and shows the NHL what he's got at some point, because personally and skill wise the guy has the makings of someone special.

 For that reason I wish him all the best and will hold out a silent hope that some day in the future it will be Veyday once again.


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