The problem with original KISS drummer Peter CRiss

Post-Hall of fame the spotlight has glared most harshly upon the lack of digestible Peter Criss solo material

Why through the years has Peter commanded less attention and respect than fellow KISS outcast Ace Frehley? After all, Peter isthe guy who wrote and sang KISS's biggest hit and break-through song "Beth" also arguably the best singer of the origin al four. Yet success has run from him faster than Peter from a metronome during his 25 years outside the band since he helped found it in 1973.

For Peter ,the damage was done in '78 That is when he was allowed to do a solo record sorepugnantt to his fans that it ireparably damaged his brand andleftt his stock him a rung below Ace and not on the same planet as Gene and Paul. Peter was in the best shape of any of the four-member to capitalize on his solo record, had he chosen material that referenced Beth, Hard Luck Woman and some Kiss, Cheap Trick, Ramones style energetic catchy simple rock n' roll. He may well have parlayed his top ten hit into a viable brand he could capitalize on to this day. But the astounding obtuseness he displays when it comes to providing his fans with what they want from him is just jaw dropping. Why Bill Aucoin let him realize his album in '78 is beyond me. Ace for all his faults has a brand fans can trust. If it says Ace Frehley on it you can reasonably assume the type of goods being sold.

Not so with Peter, his solo efforts (Used loooosely) are a kitchen floor scraping of Jazz standards 70's FM shlock and music soinanee that no genre will give it a place to crash for the night. Unfortunately, after years of train wrecks everytime he allowed to steer the engine, Peter will go down in history as KISS' perpetual caboose.

All he really needed was a producer and a manager or moe to the point, the braqins to realize what he was and was not good at.

Follow your heart kids, but make sure you read the signs along the road. If they all say "DEAD END" you may want to tell your heart to go fuck it's self.


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