Vancouver sells out!

Some might say the economics of Vancouver's demise and it unavoidable

   Get offered a deal you can't refuse, you take it!!

TThat's BS

When taking a better offer deals a death blow to the entire city, that is when the government needs to step in and say, NO MORE

Curiously our government did not, they stood by with their palms outpaced and a sheepish grin as if to say "What are we supposed to do? Were only the government"

Even more curious is the fact that our mayor is dating a high profile member of this new Chinese bourgeois, whose mother apparently has been the cause of enough human rights violations to land her in prison in this country

A mayor that visited the invading army in their own country to enjoy all the comforts of the financial elite while at home the people whose city he was responsible for were driven out.

And as Vancouver was overrun by people who could care less whether we live or die (Take that to the bank) and it was too obvious an invasion to ignore the mayor's comment?

"We must be careful of this kind of racism"


This is hardly unprecedented, so many B.C politicians have left office via corruption scandal it's really hard to remember who DIDN'T

But at the end of the day, the fault lies with us, we were too weak to defend ourselves too self-centered to think of the collective best interests instead of our own. When the time came to stand up and fight we were not willing to go to jail even for a night or two.

 Sometimes doing what's right means not doing what's legal as laws are overtime put in place to serve nefarious agendas. When that happens it's time to kick ass, our friends to the south know all about that, in fact, it's written into the law of the land. it's every citizens responsibility to watch the government and if it gets out of line and tries to resist the public will, to take it out by whatever4 means necessary.

Of course they are having those laws repealed as we speak by those who have infiltrated their government and are trying to make them to forget what thier country was founded on now as we speak, it's probably too late for them as I fear it is too us. Globalization is as we speak rolling it's tanks through our back yard and by the time we realize what they truley have in mind for us, it will be much too late to do anything about it.

Vancouver was not fought for, and therefore we didn't deserve to keep it.


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