Jared McCann: 0 PTS 6 GP for FLA Addition by subtraction for the Vancouver Canucks?

I must admit, when the Vancouver Canucks drafted Jarred McCann

I was really excited about McCann from day 1, and considering what I had heard about the type of game he plays and the fact he plays center, I considered him our most important prospect by far.

I don't know where the disconnect was but the player I watched last years wasn't the one I heard about. In fact it was more than once I thought to myself "This guy reminds me of Jordan Shroeder. He's Mr invisible, doesn't seem to want to stand out" It wasn't because of the lack of offense. Virtanen wasn't scoring either but he looked like a guy who was trying to stand out and make a name for himself, I saw sparkle, I saw hunger for the spotlight, these are star qualities that lead me believe Virtanen has something. McCann? Nothing, couple of wrist shots and disappeared for the rest of the year, no pushback, no demand for the spotlight, just sank into the shadows. Sounds like he's doing the same thing in FLA.
I'm glad he's gone.

Because in his wake we have been handed news that I'm sure much was done to suppress during the season but that perhaps was obvious once pictures of McCann Hanging with Beibs began to surface.

See, it turns out that I was wrong, McCann DID grab the spotlight during the season, he DID make his presence known and will not be quickly forgotten because of it. Apparently, Jarred McCann is a first class As$%%LE. Think about it, hockey is the most tight lipped , close ranks, give them name and serial number only type culture I can think of. Individuality is frowned upon and player interviews are world renowned for setting new standards in the useless quote department, So when you actually get a prospect, not a guywho even has a regular job, but a prospect like Andrey Pedan calling out McCann then you KNOW some serious ShIt went down, but that'sonly the beginnings: Ben Hutton's MOTHER implied that he was the only person on the team she didn't like. WOW! In Hockey that's like having a sex tape leak to media. I was one who told others not to pay any mind to Jarred's post draft Snafu, when he seemed sulky after being picked, much to Vancouver's general dismay, as it turned out , I was wrong. Had I seen ANY of his Ass%^LE tendencies on the ice I may have been sad to see him go, but on the ice, he was the most plain milquetoast slice o' white bread imaginable.

So all things considered, and even though I have heralded Eric Gudbranson as the 2nd coming of Dana Myrzn, I can say today with conviction:

Jared? Don't let Beibs hit you on the ass on your way out.


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