Linden Vey, he was my favorite.
But some other names include Jiri Sleger, Alex Stojonov, Jim Sandlack, Kyle Wellwood, Jan Bulis (He deserved it) Tod Bertuzzi and Cam Neely. And countless others I haven't mentioned belong to an exclusive club up here in pacific Asia:
The Vancouver Canucks sacrificial Lamb club.
I don't know about other teams but when you have yet to win a cup 4 decades into your team's history, people start to get a bad case of the monthlies around mid october. All that inferiority complex psycho B.S babble starts to make real sense when you realize almost every fan of every team in the league, especially all your fiercest rivals, have a comeback for any trash talk you direct their way, and you will have no comeback for it.
"At leaset weeeeee have a cuuuup....nyah nyah!"
What's a a Vancouverite to do? Chances are, with real estate being what it is he already lives in his car and as if that weren't enough to put him into a bad mood, now he has to listen to this from a FLAMES fan?
Well, there is a lot Vancouverites COULD do, they COULD stand up to the government , impeach some polit6iciaian and call for a general strike until the invasion of Vancouver by foreign nations is dealt with properly. They COULD send clear messages to the team's management that if the team is not proceeding towards a cup in the best manner possible, then their dollars will have to go elsewhere.
Unfortunately, Vancouverites are cowards, Thus there is no standing up for themselves as the city is sold out from under them. And instead of flexing in the one area they have an influence with the Canucks (Dollars baby) they instead do what all cowards do.
They Bully someone
The tradition of the whipping boy goes back as long as I can remember in these parts. Some player who ism't fitting in quite right, is singled out for constant ridicule and at times slander.
Take Jake Virtanen. Now he hasn't exactly helped himself this year, reportedly showing up out of shape (Easily explained by the fact that he was given a bulk up regime to work over the summer, the team wanted him big and there is a trade off for that, you carry m,ore mass, you get tired quicker) There is seemingly disinterested play and there were his comments just the other day when he said he "Had no Idea " what Coach WD was talking about when he said Virt had "Some things" to pick up in Vancouver, thus explaining his transcontinental bag skating of your Virt which has become a scandal of some renown in these parts
All the while the message boards have been getting nastier and nastier, Jake has been called a lazy little douche who is spoiled and throwing a tantrum to get ice time. But has he really done any of those things? One could look at his actions and SURMISE that that is the case but one could probably make a better case for 50 other states of mind and body that are causing Jake to play under his draft position potential. but none of THOSE are any fun, because with THOSE you don't get to look down on him with judgmental scorn and know that if you were in his shoes you would be doing EVERYTHING right.
But no one does everything right, not Jake not the Canucks not me and you. it's how we deal with those impedefines us. And define us it has, the way the fan base are talking about Jake Virtanen, reflect the cities deep seeded inferiority complex and loser-like tendencies.
Jake is from Abbotsford not Vancouver but I'm sure he's familiar with alll these character trait I've brought up, and from those same comments others are using to condemn him, I construe something different.
I see a kid angling for a trade. And why wouldn't he angle for a trade?
Who wants to hang out with losers?.
But some other names include Jiri Sleger, Alex Stojonov, Jim Sandlack, Kyle Wellwood, Jan Bulis (He deserved it) Tod Bertuzzi and Cam Neely. And countless others I haven't mentioned belong to an exclusive club up here in pacific Asia:
The Vancouver Canucks sacrificial Lamb club.
I don't know about other teams but when you have yet to win a cup 4 decades into your team's history, people start to get a bad case of the monthlies around mid october. All that inferiority complex psycho B.S babble starts to make real sense when you realize almost every fan of every team in the league, especially all your fiercest rivals, have a comeback for any trash talk you direct their way, and you will have no comeback for it.
"At leaset weeeeee have a cuuuup....nyah nyah!"

Well, there is a lot Vancouverites COULD do, they COULD stand up to the government , impeach some polit6iciaian and call for a general strike until the invasion of Vancouver by foreign nations is dealt with properly. They COULD send clear messages to the team's management that if the team is not proceeding towards a cup in the best manner possible, then their dollars will have to go elsewhere.
Unfortunately, Vancouverites are cowards, Thus there is no standing up for themselves as the city is sold out from under them. And instead of flexing in the one area they have an influence with the Canucks (Dollars baby) they instead do what all cowards do.
They Bully someone
The tradition of the whipping boy goes back as long as I can remember in these parts. Some player who ism't fitting in quite right, is singled out for constant ridicule and at times slander.
Take Jake Virtanen. Now he hasn't exactly helped himself this year, reportedly showing up out of shape (Easily explained by the fact that he was given a bulk up regime to work over the summer, the team wanted him big and there is a trade off for that, you carry m,ore mass, you get tired quicker) There is seemingly disinterested play and there were his comments just the other day when he said he "Had no Idea " what Coach WD was talking about when he said Virt had "Some things" to pick up in Vancouver, thus explaining his transcontinental bag skating of your Virt which has become a scandal of some renown in these parts
All the while the message boards have been getting nastier and nastier, Jake has been called a lazy little douche who is spoiled and throwing a tantrum to get ice time. But has he really done any of those things? One could look at his actions and SURMISE that that is the case but one could probably make a better case for 50 other states of mind and body that are causing Jake to play under his draft position potential. but none of THOSE are any fun, because with THOSE you don't get to look down on him with judgmental scorn and know that if you were in his shoes you would be doing EVERYTHING right.
But no one does everything right, not Jake not the Canucks not me and you. it's how we deal with those impedefines us. And define us it has, the way the fan base are talking about Jake Virtanen, reflect the cities deep seeded inferiority complex and loser-like tendencies.
Jake is from Abbotsford not Vancouver but I'm sure he's familiar with alll these character trait I've brought up, and from those same comments others are using to condemn him, I construe something different.
I see a kid angling for a trade. And why wouldn't he angle for a trade?
Who wants to hang out with losers?.
Jake Virtanen is a dirty and marginal player. I look forward to the day when some player puts him in his place!