NHL NEWS: PUNISH THE GUILTY!! How to REALLY fix the NHL entry draft

God, I am sick of people whining about the draft lottery and tanking.

No system is perfect, nothing in the world is...sorry to break that news to you so late in life

but this is THE BEST WAY TO ENSURE A CYCLING OF THE TOP TEAMS,  that is to say, that a team that sucked last season will be on the road to improving next season,

What's your alternative? The worst teams have no realistic way of improving? Can you not see the inevitable outcome of that?

Franchise retraction, closing of businesses, loss of jobs, shrinking of the hockey market

Now guess what? Fewer of those kids you were so concerned about will ever be employed in professional hockey, there is no way a franchise who is stuck at the bottom with no viable means of improving attracts the entertainment dollar of the market in which it is located.....teams FOLD

You see, this is not Charlie and the Chocolate factory, a mystical playground for hockey kids to float from cloud to cloud singing "Yay, my dreams have come true"

THIS IS A JOB, like you or anyone else has, they work for a BUSINESS

That BUSINESS is not sports, it's not the dream a little dream business, it's the ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS

Oh, and your poor abused, hard done by kids should get up every mourning fall down on their knees and thank whatever they believe in that they are in a position that 99.999% of the world never will be. They play a game others PAY TO PLAY FOR FUN  and are MADE RICH FOR DOING IT, they can take care OF THEIR FAMILIES FOR GENERATIONS 

That you or some other spoiled, entitled individual, who has no grasp on how the world actually works would insult the rest of  humanity by suggesting that this somehow means we should feel SORRY for them because they may have to LOSE SOME GAMES....well it reminds me of the Dead Kenedy's song "Holiday in Cambodia" and how that might be a good thing for you. 

Try starving for a few weeks, then see how many tears having to lose some hockey games pull out of you.

But that's not really what you're saying, is it?

You're saying "I'm sick of the Oilers and all the talent they are drawing"

Well, if our commissioner had a backbone (or if he were Bobby Orr which he SHOULD be) we wouldn't see debacles like the last draft, that neither helped the teams who needed it or logically distributed talent in a way that would keep the league healthy.

Because THAT is what the true interest of the players SHOULD be, healthy markets EVERYWHERE, that means JOBS everywhere.

No Bettman screwed it up by trying to close the barn door after it was closed.

The SIMPLE solution was this: No new rule, no new draft system.

As commissioner Bettman enacts an edict: In light of EDM receiving so many of the top incoming players recently, we have concluded they have enough talent on-ice to put a winning team together, it is now UP TO THEM to figure it out.

The Edmonton Oilers will be excluded from the top 10 of the NHL entry draft until such time as it is deemed that they are again eligible to receive top talent.

A rule was not needed for EVERYONE it was needed for the OILERS and THAT is the ONLY team who should have been affected by any changes made to the draft.

The draft NEVER should have been changed, 

I will concede this point, however, if it is deemed a certain group of teams is in fact gunning for the top pick and the top picks will clearly be given to those teams, them receiving the top pick should be based on WINS in the last 3 games of the season.

There is no reason Gary can't address a specific problem without screwing up the rest of the league, it was an OILER problem not a hockey problem.

And to avoid the NJ vs. PITTS final game loser gets Mario debacles, flip the script once the picture becomes clear, in the last two to three games......in fact take it a step further, add new games if necessary, MAKE THE TEAMS PLAY EACH OTHER FOR THE TOP THREE PICKS

THAT would be an exciting pre-playoffs tournament.

I would PAY (The poor starving NHL player kids) to see THAT tournament played.



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