So, the Olympics are starting up sooner than later and no NHL, players kept home as part of the usual internal politics the NHL has to play with its spoiled newborn of a union.

I'm tired of politics

I'm tired of salaries

I'm tired of lazy players forcing fans into the obsessive calculation of advanced stats because the games aren't entertaining enough to hold our attention.

These are all symptomatic of a business that has lost control of its employees. You can have a union,and I concede that players were royally screwed up until it's formation, but when that union interferes with your paying customers ability to enjoy your product, you have let the tail wag the dog.

Time for the NHL to do some house cleaning.

Tell Seattle, that they will be starting play on schedule, with or without current NHL players.

Because if these idiot's don't accept the deal they are dictated....FIRE THEM ALL!

Bring on the lockout,

Bring on replacement players....who can become PERMANENT players, if need be.

Until the NHL takes control of its business it will just keep happening, they way they were beaten up last time was embarrassing,

They have to be ready to shut the league down for a few years......trust me, the players will crack, but you cannot have this stupid amount of revenue going to players, that's not how you run a business,

N.T.C and N.M.C have become a joke, THIRD LINERS get them now!

No two players should be able to make the % of cap that Kane and Toews do, it's complete BS

They have to put the greedy leeches in the NHLPA who would have KILLED the game dead in 2004 had they gotten their way,

Thank god Trevor Linden (The true hero of that lock-out and the main reason we have the league as it is today, not that he'll ever get credit for it) The ONE person who was able to see reason

There is no longer a Linden in the NHLPA you have that Baseball shark, that union must be crushed


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