Tanking doesn't work, Tanking makes my bum hurt blah blah.....

On and on and on...............STOP!!!!

Ever since Brian Burke issued his tongue in cheek "Nobody in the NHL would EVER DREAM of tanking" speech (Probably just to crack up his friends he knew were watching) several years back, the Automatron T.V, iPhone "Excuse me while I download my opinion" crew having been weeping wailing and bemoaning the blight on the NHL known as "THE TANK JOB"

It's an excellent societal biopsy on how the human psyche has been "Hacked" by media in 2018 because apparently, these people can look at facts in black and white in front of them, then listen to some talking head tell them white is back and go on a "Face-inta-twit" rant on how the city needs to turn the street lamps on at noon because it's too dark for them to see.

To that group, I now speak: Tanking doesn't work huh?
What in the blue hell are you talking about?!!!


1.Chicago? Check
2. Pitts? Check
3.LA? Check
4. Detroit (Tanked for Yzerman) check
5. NJ (Mickey mouse team? that's a TANK) Check
6. Carolina? Check

7. Rangers (what number do you think they got Leech at? somewhere in the 4th round? Kovalev?)
8. Bruins (Kessel?!?!?! DUH!, just because they had better luck with other picks doesn't mean they didn't tank to get one.

This is a fact so just deal with it: EVERY SINGLE CUP WINNER TANKS FOR SUPERSTARS, you can't win a cup without them, you can't get the ones who win cups if you don't tank.

The trick is GET IN AND GET OUT, but this laughable BS you guys keep spouting that a team who is already successful shuffling the deck means a "re-tool" works in absolute horse manure and NOT what the OP was asking

Like Edmonton's unprecedented string of incompetence or the fact the Buffalo has the WORST lockerroom in NHL history and are expecting one of the roots of that problem to fix it, circumvents 100 years of NHL history,

To get Mario Lemueix the Penguins and Devils played a joke of a game with both teams trying not to win, Tanking is PART of winning a cup, if someone tells you differently, pick ANY cup winner and look at where their stars came from.

As for the rest of you, stop with the sheep-le group think B.S, and stop listening to the pundits, Learn how to research and form your own opinions, 

you are an embarrassing end to a bad science fiction novel...

....uh, that's something people used to use before Ipads, their called BOOKS....

I'll save that for another blog


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