Gudbranson for Kane? NHL Trade rumor, and why I won't spend a penny on the Canucks if Kane comes to Vancouver.

         So, an Erik Gudbranson trade is imminent, and rumor has it, Evander Kane could be involved,

Ah....Jimbo, you've saved your biggest mistake for last, the final showstopper in the circus of stupidity that has been your regime.

You're going to bring Evander Kane to the Vancouver Canucks? 

You better not be, I've said it before and I mean it: I don't care if they win the frigging cup, I will not sink a single dollar into that team so long as Kane is on it.

He's shown himself to be a very bad human being, this isn't the NFL, where fans don't care who is wearing the jersey, I care very much who I enable with my dollars and Kane gets NOTHING from me

Too late to do anything about my tickets this year, but next year? No renewal

Sadly, I could almost see this happening.

Fans don't realize it, but even with all the talent he has Kane is very much not wanted throughout the league, you couldn't get much of anything for him in a trade

Gudbransson ain't much of anything, but he has a "Name" and "Pedigree" even though he can't play hockey

Dim Jim would think "Ah! I'll get a 30 goal scorer and the whole Gudbransson fiasco (Like he knows what fiasco means) will be redeemed!"

Dummy, look at how he left Winnipeg, how long was he in Buffalo before the legal problems started? How has Buffalo been, in team morale since he's been there

He could score 50 goals and still sink the team who is dumb enough to take him

And dim Jim is dumb enough

I know the plan in FLA was to bring him back all along because he's a marketable personality there, the chicks dig him, the press likes him and he actually sells tickets, they want him back and always did for that reason,

They were probably planning on giving us a 5th rounder for him or something

But I could see Buffalo screwing this whole thing up

Remember Jim's job is on the line, and of all the screw-ups he's pulled, getting played by Dale Tallon the way he was is an indelible black mark, it is probably the dumbest thing a NHL GM has ever done, just because the ploy was so obvious, and the fact that they were targeting him because they knew he wasn't very smart.

They were right, he isn't

But is he THIS DUMB?! Dumb enough to bring the biggest locker room cancer in the NHL into the middle of a team that is starting to show the fruits of being so bad for so long?

Please....don't let him be THAT DUMB 


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