NHL MYTH BUSTING: Lucic did NOT end Komaserik's career, he actually didn't even win the fight! Here's the truth..

Milan Lucic ended Mike Komisarek's career.....PLEASE, STOP WITH THE B.S!

It wasn't Lucic......people HAVE to stop perpetuating this myth.

Have you ever dislocated your shoulders? I have, both

It's a chronic injury that NEVER fully goes away

Your shoulders are always at risk of falling out of the sockets, I've had them fall out in my sleep as I changed positions before, it sucks......anyway..

I can see it clear as the screen in front of me, Komaserik and Lucic are fighting, and Komaserik who had the same chronic shoulder problems I do threw a punch and his arm came right out of the socket
I can see the pain on his face Lucic ISN'T CONNECTING at that moment, It was the SHOULDER dislocated from the force of Komaserik throwing a punch.

When it happens, you are screwed for a while, sometimes it snaps back in on its own but other times it doesn't and if it doesn't your arm is USELESS, and every time it happens, it's more likely to happen AGAIN.

Komesarik knew he was screwed, if he was smart, he would have "slipped on a banana peel" but he tucked his head to weather the storm he knew was coming, I respect the balls, but it really wasn't a smart thing to do.

Lucic proceeded to pound on a one-armed man who was too dumb to take a dive, he stood there and took whatever Lucic had to throw his way, and Lucic proceeded to pound away, then throw his arms in the air as if he had won some great victory and not been the beneficiary of fighting a guy with more pride than brains.

Because of that fight, Komisarek's shoulder was never again in "NHL condition" he could not effectively fight or battle, and it never improved, even with surgery which is often the case, The doctors gather the stretched ligaments and tie them in a knot (seriously) but this surgery is rarely done anyone as it often makes little difference.

I never had any problems with Lucic until then, I'm no Leafs fan, but I'm one of the few who understood what they were watching, and seeing Lucic take credit for beating up a guy who effectively beat himself (Komesarik should never have been fighting in the first place, throwing punches is one of the worst things you can do with gimpy shoulders) made me lose respect for him.

The talking heads at commentary were all too happy to tell the story of Lucic being the dominant predator, but I know they knew what had happened as well.

Stupidity ended Komisarek's career, not Milan Lucic


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