NHL:CANUCK EMPIRE ABOUT TO COLLAPSE? The Un-flappable Trevor Linden is shaken during interview. The AXE WILL FALL

It's getting close Canucks fans...

Armageddon is nigh. 

It's been an odd several years to be a Canucks fan, watching THE FANS fire Mike Gillis during an infamous late-season chant during a fateful game again whom I can't recall,. 

What I do recall is watching the T.V cameras pan up to the G.M's box where Mike Gillis stood looking as haggard and hung over as he ever had before(and that's saying something) seeing the cameras focus and zoom in on his face. If ever I've seen the expression of man about to walk the plank, I saw it on that fateful day.

Soon after, rumors of Linden taking over began to swirl. Doing his best to hide out from the media, he was caught and asked point blank, he denied it. And later copped to the lie saying he was put in an impossible situation, I can empathize, and do cut him the slack, but man, what a bad omen to start things off.

Next, in whirlwind of activity, Trevor was in as president, soon to be joined by ex-Bruins G.M and supposed scouting whizz Jim Benning,

That was when things got interesting.

Let me say this before I go any further, I have no reason to believe Jim Benning is a bad human being, in fact, I believe he is a nice guy, probably nicer than most NHL G.M's
But I'll never forget the first time I heard him speak: He was talking about the team's needs and said, good god I remember like it was yesterday.....

...."We don't got no defensemen"


I'm sorry, but a top executive of a million dollar company should NEVER say "we don't got no.."

Maybe if I'm buying Heroin down at Main and Hastings and the Dealer says "I don't got no Heroin" such grammar may be forgivable, but in this context, I began to worry about whether our new GM could use the English Language effectively, let alone assemble a team entertaining enough to make me want to pay to see them.

Next, it was Wille, who.....was just weird, what the hell was with that twitching? And the handling of Tyamkin? and....I could go on....it was WEIRD.

I won't recap all the deals you know them as well as I do, it sometimes appeared they were doing everything in their power to cripple the team, and every time Jim Benning opened his mouth something happened that shouldn't have happened.

In another blog I will break down the lowest point of all, the Gudbransson deal, some are still not aware that the whole thing was actually a practical joke conceived by Dale Tallon and Brian Burke, The Florida Media were in on it, Jason Demures was used as a Pawn in it, and the end game result that Tallon has envisioned will come to fruition this summer when he holds ALL the assets from that fateful trade .

But people need to know that it was a premeditated set-up designed to prey on Jim's lack of intelligence, it was a mean thing to do actually, but I also think to put Jim Benning in a position he was woefully underqualified to execute was even meaner.

Again, I won't go over all the bungles, most were made with the best intentions but some had a less than savory twinge to them that we will probably never learn the whole truth about (Jordan Subban) and as for the super-scout?

Holy crap was he NOT.

You can say Boesser Boesser Boesser all you like, even a broken clock is right twice a day, how you screw up all those draft picks is bizarre, FAN CONSENSUS has a better drafting record than Jim Benning.

One of his worst Gaffes and an issue that repeated himself was being a terrible judge of character. Jared McCann was well known to be a horrible human being long before he was drafted. It's not widely known, but a fact that the team told Jim Benning McCann HAD to go that summer...he was THAT disliked when you have a teammates MOTHER calling you a jerk, in the tightly lipped world of Hockey, then you are a prodigious piece of work.

Urban legend has it that Daniel Sedins on-camera tirade against "The Younger guys" that year was aimed at both Jake Virtanen and McCann....it wasn't Virtanen was seen as a nice kid who was being led astray by Uber-a$$hole McCann, and it was Jarred that Daniel called out during that fateful interview.

Why was he on the team in the first place? he was improperly scouted. Why was Tryamkin drafted, told one thing, they treated in another that was almost designed to get him to go back to Russia? Why was it Benning believed Gudbrannson was some hot Defenseman and not the blundering underachiever we know him as? Why has Virtanen had trouble getting his career started? Why did Benning draft Joulevi another guy who is famous for having a terrible attitude and is, unfortunately, becoming famous for horrible play and the only guy from the top 10 of his draft not to have played an NHL game?


Let me say that again


But throughout all these debacles I never felt the end was truly near, any long-term fan has watched this team bubble through most of its existence, so that's nothing new..

...No, it was "The interview" it happened only a few days ago, when my childhood hero Trevor Linden, when pressed about the team's internal issues, was unable to maintain his thus FAR unshakable P.R "Best face forward" 

THAT means a few things..

1. Benning is gone at the end of the year, they haven't told him, but he is

2. Trevor finally understands that the mess his boy made is being plopped directly onto his lap to fix, a job I don't think he ever wanted. But one he can't walk away from.

3. Aquilani is pissed.

4. The Sedins will NOT be resigned, they aren't driving sales at the box office and are stopping Horvat and Boesser from truly making this their team.

Trevor's being shaken when asked about the future, let me know in no uncertain terms, this group is on it's way out, Trevor will probably be kept on, for PR reasons......or......

What I would have liked to see happen from the beginning would have happened.

Linden as GM.

Complain if you must, but I believe that Trev knows what this market wants and is willing to pay for, and it ain't winning.

Vancouver hockey fans want a SHOW, they want an exciting game win or lose, that sets us apart from the Montreal's or Toronto's they want cups.

We want Action, I know Linden knows this I've heard him say it.

He should never have hired another GM.

Who knows how this will end, but I promise you this Canucks fans,

This is the end.


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