NHL NEWS: How Trevor Linden saved the NHL....really
To all you, the ungrateful misinformed masses, who think they are watching hockey today because the NHL is a natural occurrence like the Sun or Moon.
Let's briefly revisit the 2005 lockout, the one that Trevor Linden talked the union into accepting a salary cap and was eventually sued by a group of NHL players for.
Yeah, that lawsuit and what Linden did, is the reason you have an NHL to complain about.
LINDEN was the only guy in the union with brains enough to recognize that fans weren't interested in watching hockey broadcasts where the only topic of discussion is how long it would be till their best players went and signed with the Ranger or Red Wings.
That was an era where Bobby Holik was getting 9 MILLION A YEAR
The NHL was dying and the stupid selfish players couldn't see past their own pocketbooks.
Looking back it's insane that we even watched a league where one team could spend twice or three times what another could.
It's like watching poker on TV, you want to see who the best player is so everyone buys in for the same amount.
Now think about TV poker with UNLIMITED BUY-INS, the best player wouldn't win, the one with the most money would.
Oh, and in case you didn't realize, the Canucks were seriously considering a move to Seattle in this era, not only couldn't small markets compete, but neither could the Canadian dollar.
That's why Bettman shut it down, the train was headed for a fatal collision and the PLAYERS DIDN'T CARE, they thought the golden goose would keep on laying eggs, well it wouldn't have the NHL was in THAT MUCH trouble...
So, guess who saved it? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't any of those selfish coked out a$$holes who launched the lawsuit, who would rather screw the fans out of a watchable product....This doesn't get reported on hardly ever, but there was ONE GUY who bridged the gap, ONE GUY who said, this is crazy, let's do the right thing.
TREVOR F**KING LINDEN is the reason you have a team to b**H about period, nobody else, he went against all those pricks knowing what would be coming down on him because he figured YOU might want to watch hockey at some point.
Go ahead and criticise him as a president, but your smug little put-downs, ring a bit hollow when they are directed at a guy who has done more charity work and given away more money than all those guys who sued him combined, and I'm willing to bet that, he's done a hell of a lot more for his community than it ever occurred to you to do,
In closing, remember this THE ONLY guy who EVER thought about YOU once during that lockout, thought about what YOU might want, was TREVOR LINDEN, and guess what, he won....
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