NHL NEWS: The Chicago Blackhawks MUST rid themselves of Kane and Towes, or end up like the Detroit Red Wings.

Recently, I saw a trade rumor involving The Edmonton Oilers and Chicago Blackhawks, in which Towes was the centerpiece, and Drai was the piece coming back.

The report didn't surprise me, but the reaction amongst certain fans did.

"NO! They can't give up Towes! He must retire a Hawk.

Not with that salary he can't.

Chicago would be beyond stupid to pass this up.

The truth is, and I can't see why Bowman didn't realize this because everyone else did.

Signing Taves and Kane to those deals was stupid, the party was over and everyone needed to make a fresh start, sure they were going to get another couple of years of solid play but things were headed downhill.

Now, if you deal Kane to Buffalo and Taves to Winnipeg (If he's willing to go) then those two players might get a fresh start, just like everyone else the players need a goal. And bringing ANOTHER cup to Chicago is a "Been there, done that" proposition for both guys no matter how much they tell you it's not.

But charge Kane with bringing the first cup to his hometown, and Taves as well (If he's willing) now there is a goal that could re-invigorate those players for the back 9 of their careers, but I have to think that in Chicago right now, it's all old hat. 

It's like The Red Wings, who were ADDICTED to making the playoffs, they lost sight of the fact that hockey NEEDS to be cyclical, things have to go up down out and in.

When a cycle reaches its end, you can't hang onto it, it's not a matter of time, it's a matter of feel, Sid and Malkin still feel like they could get it done in Pittsburg and they've been together just as long, but who knows?

The Red Wings fans were not clamoring for MORE PLAYOFFS, every single year, any more than they were clamoring for Babcock's non-fighting, Olympic style hockey team which quickly became the most boring vanilla thing going in the NHL.

Or The Sedins holding on in Vancouver, muscling in on Bo Horvat's era, now with Boesser firmly in place, the Canucks dressing room should belong to those two, it's like having two alumni show up at every game and get dressed, their time is DONE


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