Vancouver Canucks: Alex Edler has to GO!

Alex Edler.....just let that sink in,

If this guy wasn't born to be a Canuck, then Vancouver's cost of living is do-able.

At times, the guy has looked like he's had it all: The shot, pin-point passing, size, hits, PP point production, we've seen it all from Edler, his recent years have shown him to be in decline, but even at his best, there was about the guy...

Not off, as in, he seems like a bad person, I don't know him but certainly, don't believe him to be anything of the sort. 

By "Off" I mean, as in: "This guy is fantasic.....but, I'm not 100% convinced he CARES"

Edler as far as pro athletes are concerned has a bit of an issue, it wasn't so bad when he was doing extraordinary things, but now in the twilight of his career, it's become a real problem for the team.

The problem is this:

Edler is lazy, he's always been lazy (I once had to hold the door for him in Blaine because he was talking on his phone and had just bought a coffee, I closed the door and saw his giant frame on the other side of the gas station entrance looking at me like

"What am I going to do! You've stranded me!" So I opened the door for him, he wasn't a jerk and said "Thanks" but you get the feeling this was a guy who played his parents like a fiddle.
The whole reason he won't accept a trade is that he's too lazy to move, it has NOTHING to do with hockey, that's why Torts hated him.
He's probably a good guy, but he's the worst kind of veteran leader you could have,
He needs to be forced to leave

Edler's "brain cramps" are legendary in Vancouver. It's those times when he is just "Not feeling it" that day, and unlike many other athletes, doesn't have that extra bit of pride in his game that FORCES him to do his best. 

You can almost see him start to think about what he's going to be watching on TV after the game, where he's going to have dinner. It's those times when the play comes his way unexpectedly (and unwantedly) and he reacts as if someone has just burst into his living room and tossed a three-week-old ham sandwich (Found in Edler's locker) into his lap. 

He zaps to attention like he has just woken up from a nap and proceeded to do something really dumb, yeah, whatever play you just thought of...Like THAT time.

The truth is, as a veteran of the 2011 Canucks, who would still be able to help a contender, Edler needs to GO, everyone knows it, even management, who denied it for ages. 

So why is he still here? He doesn't WANT to leave. He NEVER wanted to leave.

Now, let's put to rest any possibility, that like his old buddy Ehrhoff he thinks the Canucks (Sabers in 'Hoffs case) offer any shot at winning, they don't and that's not what Edler is about anyway...

...Unless it's the world championships! He really impressed over there last spring as a MOTIVATED Edler who CARED about winning received ringing endorsements from teammates and coaches.

Over here? Is Boesser still waiting for that pass from last spring? Remember? When Edler didn't seem to know he existed?

That world championships was the final proof needed that there are two Edlers and we have been getting the worst of the two for years.

But Alex Edler WILL NOT accept a trade from the Canucks.....what? Yes, that's right, and it's not for the reasons pro athletes usually block trades for either.

Alex's been years, and you've "sunk in" too deep, gotten too comfortable, the Canucks are just a paycheck to you, and we don't want to be your "just a paycheck" team

Alex Edler......GO NOW!


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