Bullied in Vancouver! (By Toronto Maple Leafs Fans) What's a Canuck to do?

I have feelings too you know, 

Maybe not about other people (I was raised in Vancouver, I have to be at least PART sociopath, right?) but when you tease me about hockey......man, that's crossing a line.

(Does it cross the: Sue Canada for 10.5 Million in Bumhurt damages line? If a terrorist can do it, why can't I?)

No one seems to enjoy line crossing these days more than Toronto Maple Leafs fans, especially when talking to (Laughing, taunting etc.) observers of the Vancouver Canucks (see what I did there?)

They like it when AUSTON MATHEWS receives a pass at the opposition blue line, or when AUSTON MATHEWS shot crosses the goal line, they like lines on scrap paper because it gives them somewhere to write AUSTON MATHEWS name,

And most of all the like the "Comments" line on message boards, they LOVE that line, that's where they get to remind Canucks "associates" how their team had rebuilt the right way, while our team hired a talking monkey. One of them had the never to ask me "How does it feel"

That was too much, the following documents my reply, and incidentally, it worked. So feel free to use it the next time a Leafs fan decides to be the big meanie. 

Here's how it went:

Leafs fan: "You suck! How does it feel"

Me "How does it feel???!!? IT HURTS!!! IT HURTS BAD! When your team captures lightning in a bottle and unites a city to blaze their way to game 7 of a final, only to have Lay's "beatcha can't do blow off just one" guy, go and break your captain's ribs at the end of game 6, Then to hear how other players heard him screaming down the hall as they injected freezing agent in his ribs to play game 7, but show up in the dressing room 3 minutes later like everything was fine to come out and in the type of leadership Leafs fans will never know the meaning of, single-handedly out the team on his back and Almost single-handedly defeat the Rangers, but he had NO HELP and fell one goal short, the final score Trevor Linden 2 (The rest should have stayed home) Rangers 7, we rioted, I'd do it again, maybe later tonight, I'll never get over 94'

Then to watch your pampered primadonnas, sache their way to the finals in 2011, go to war in the cup series and in the last game at home where EVERYONE was hurt (and I mean everyone, it was a brutal series, Bruins too) Your team just QUITS, just Kills time on the clock till they could go home, I lived in Los Angeles by that time and was telling friends there "They're going to riot, I'm telling you" They were all like "Nahhh" I said "You have no idea what we've been through, they'll riot, trust me. I wasn't there in 82' but yes, it HURTS, when you know the BEST you're final reaching team could have hoped for, was to win ONE GAME and they DIDN'T!!!

I know we've been cursed with dim-wits, clowns, Mouth breathing Dunces! You think I'm blind? You think I think we're going anywhere but right down the crapper?!?! But I tell you this, bitter though I am..... Vengeful spiteful ball of malice! I have seen your future, and the curse of Ballard is not done with you yet, 

I have seen your future and woe be it to you who think ye hath found your messiah, NAY for he shall leave you wondering the wastelands when least you expect.Doomed to wander aimlessly for another generation......DOOMED!!Yes, we are also condemned to our suffrage, but the one positive we have, that lets us tolerate the intolerable is the knowledge that YOU will suffer along with us!And suffer ye shall....Forget not my warning!........DOOMED!!!!.............................doomed


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