The Vancouver Canucks dirty little secret.....

Bad press,
It's followed the Benning regime, like a fish-fart vapour trail from day one, around two years ago they decided to do somethng about it.

Read though any popular message board where the Canucks are disscussed, it's right there in black and white.

Obstinate, Pro-Benning poster's who will argue till the Canuck's cup parade (That's a long time) that the Canucks G.M is a genuis, an expert at the draft table (hehheh...hehehehahaaha!) that Joulevi was the right pick, that the Gudbranson deal wasn't a "Let's find out if he's REALLY that dumb" practical joke expertly played by Dale Tallon, ect. ect. blah blah...GO! Take a look! 

Yes, trawling though this trash is exceptionally anoying, but don't blame "THE THREAD" the dissonance in discourse is due to specific posters

I think most people  are intelligent, and don't have their ego tied up in being "Right" I think most people are fine with changing thier minds in the face of a good point.

So, what then when you encounter a poster who obstinatly refuses to accept the sum of the evidence and continually posts phillibustering B.S to try and control the narritive?

You need to understand what they are doing, because it's not the same thing you are doing, thier goal is to continually have the last comment posted be supportive of whatever it is they are selling.

To take it back a step further, people should know that the Vancouver Canucks hockey club though whatever P.R firm they use, have employed a battalion of "Astroturfers" whoes job it is to try and shape public opinion by inncessant online lieing.

Think back to maybe, 2 years ago? Do you recall a legion of pro Benning supporters, who seemed to be about as in touch with reality as Joulevi was with career ECHL'ers as they breezed past him in training camp, appearing on forums?

Do you recall getting into or seeing arguments that made no sense? Where one party involved was rejecting reallity and badgering anyone who confronted them with it? And all of this happening specifically in threads involving the Canucks?

Well, now you know.

Aqua, Dim Jim and Trev (unfortunatly) have employed professional liars to cover thier blatently embaessing tracks. And the fact that they have is as embaressing as they come.

The Agent provocetuers don't beive what they are saying any more than you do.

But, they decided at some point, that being a professional liar isn't something they need to be ashamed of.

It is. It's a truley pathetic way to make a living, for men of low charachter, low self esteem and low integrity.

The proof is in the p**p, and should you care to sniff your way through the several pages of almost ANY Canucks related disscussion each and every assertaion I make will be proven.

Who to blame?

My finger is pointed squarly at the mods 

Mods, Have you not been briefed on this? Astroturfing is about the worst thing you can do on a forum, at a certain point,it's obvious the poster in question has motives beyond discussing hockey, is an "astroturf free" disscussion board not something we all want?

Once popular message board's concerning other topics have been abandoned due to "whistling past the graveyard" on this matter. ALL large companies, political parties and organizations do it, the fact that it exists and is rampant isn't in question, google around for 5 minuetes and you'll see what I mean, to think it doesn't happen here would be naive.

But the issue here is that the Canucks, due to bad press, have embarked on a completely over-the -top campain, that it's there isn't debatable (Reads some threads....ANY threads)

The question is how much longer will this be allowed to pollute any attemps at online discourse?


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