St. Louis is F**KING!!??? .......OH WAIT! I get it! Their GM is probably close to being fired, that's when these stupid moves tend to happen....Although, if that is the case I don't understand why the President or owner would sign off on it......I just thought it was a given in 2018 that you NEVER GIVE UP YOUR FIRST ROUNDER,

Personally, I don't think there are many exceptions to that rule, I don't find that rental deadline players ever really deliver Stanley Cups, and I can't recall a team who were ground down by the playoffs to using their "Depth" acquisitions and managed to go all the way.

Y'know, one thing I've come to believe this last couple of years: "Hockey people" really aren't all that smart, the GM's in the NHL are guys from an old boys club who get their jobs due to who they know, I honestly don't think these GM's posses any kind of "special skill" or insight on player personnel and that most hardcore fans (The smart ones) could step in, and in the area of assembling the roster, do just as good a job, if not better than a lot of the GM's who are currently employed.

It was really Jim Benning who opened my eyes to this, Benning is a man who is CLEARLY of well below average intelligence, the way he speaks, and interacts with others is almost childlike in a way, he is what in years past would have been known as a "Simpleton" I'm not trying to insult Benning personally here, but saying this is unavoidable, the Canucks putting that man on camera in front of the media as a guy who is supposed to be able to "Mastermind" a team is laughable, the man can barely speak English, makes the same horrible mistakes over and over, has this child-like plan to improve the team.

"I'll trade for prospects that are already developed, that way we can skip over having to develop prospects!"

 "Oh, were not very good...I know I'll sign players who are good sometimes!"

 "Um, I don't want to trade my defensemen like Hamhuis, he's my defenseman, so I'll figure out what to do later, what's a UFA Trev?"

"Well......done wanna trade Tanev...we need him for the playoffs, Jay Beagle just won the Cup and he's coming here so we're at least going to make the playoffs, and the playoffs are tough so I got some rough and tough guys so that means we're in the playoffs so that's why I can't trade Tanev"

"Oh...we have too many players, well.....we'll just use the best ones right? But I don't want to lose any of the players I've got, because I might need them someday so let's just keep everybody....cause people to get hurt in the playoffs.....right?"

It really is The Emporer's new clothes, no one can truly believe there is a mentally deficient man running the team, so nobody just says the fact that is being proven right in front of us day in and day out.

So it is in 2018 when the cult of "Expert" reins supreme and perfectly intelligent people have been conditioned to believe the word of idiot's and con-men so long as the have some credential added to their name


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