NHL TRADE: Tavares to Toronto for for Lamoriello, oh yes, the Islanders win this one BIG TIME!

Toronto fans....you've slit your own throat and don't even know it,

Once again your self-destructive DNA, and the Ghost of Harold Ballard have conspired to make certain the Stanley Cup NEVER returns to Toronto....don't agree? I think you will after reading this...

Remember my words now... Remember them in years and decades to come, THERE WILL BE NO CUP FOR YOU, don't take my word for it, wait, watch and discover for yourself the horror of your fate.

Because the fact is: No team that operates with the inherited culture, karma, Fan attitudes or organizational DNA of the Toronto Maple Leafs will EVER win the Stanley Cup. I know you are blind to this but to the rest of the world its OBVIOUS, You are the engineers of your own destruction.

 Case in point, you hire one of the league's legendary GM's in three years he brings you back to relevancy then in a move so prodigiously stupid it boggles the mind, you get rid of him (And insult him with the offer to be a consultant!) and replace him with some kid who treats roster management like he's collecting hockey cards! Has Dubas never heard of organizational redundancy? By overloading on players who all want the same limited ice time and role, he ensures that NO ONE will be as effective, and no one will be as happy.

Lou wouldn't have made that mistake and I believe its the reason he was shown the door. HE'S the one who fixed things! Not Dubas, not Shanahan, and his reward for having known how to do his job properly is to be let go? Now that he's done the work let someone else take the credit? But why not keep him around to prop up the new guy? Lou wouldn't take that kind of B.S, because he knows that's what it is.

I want you to really think about this now...THE GUY WHO FIXED YOUR TEAM HAS BEEN BOOTED OUT THE DOOR. Why? Because in Toronto the ghost of Harold Ballard is very
much haunting the halls of any arena that fly's the Maple Leaf colors, drunk with visions of glory Shannahan has promoted the weasely little yes-man who looks good on camera and tells him it was SHANNY who fixed things, not Lou.

The simpering sycophant who shares his vision of stroking their collective egos by landing the big F.A fish. But here's where the difference is between them and Lou. Lou looks at his roster and says: Hmmm, We are fine at center, if we bring in another top center then ALL of them are going to play less and have their effectiveness diminished, signing this guy makes NO SENSE, what we need is an upgrade on defense.....

Now you don't have that anymore. It was THAT mode of thinking that fixed the team, it's THAT mode of thinking that got in the way of Shanahan's ego, he knew that if he kept Lou around and they won, the credit would go to Lou, so he let's Lou do enough of the job to where he thinks the team will take care of it's self, Cans him, replaces him with a prison blow-up doll, and gets ready to soak up the glory, while throwing the vault keys at a player who is guaranteed to command attention, but makes no sense to add to thier roster.

Really what people need to see this as is a trade: John Tavares for Lou Lamirillo.....now who do YOU think will be the winner of that deal? You guys can't help but shoot yourselves in the foot, but this time you blew your whole damn leg off!


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