The NHL and "NU-THINK" branding....THOU SHALT NOT TANK!

Ahh, summer!

It's not all bad for the hockey fan..the sun is shining, the sky is blue the Parrots are chirping.........wha?....

Yes Parrots, y'know, the ones who pick up on whatever issue the media feeds them along with one of two sanctioned opinions? Then they act out the same argument they saw on TV in bars and beaches the world over.

Take "Tanking" for instance, Listening to Vancouver Canuck fans it would almost seem as if they think they are having a totally fresh and original conversation and not reading off the script assigned to them by whatever sports talk show they heard it first on. The arguments become so emotional one occasionally feels like tapping one of the combatants on the shoulder and reminding them:

This is the entertainment biz.....period,

If some are more entertained by watching the intricacies, intrigue and "what goes down must come up" realities of building a team who might conceivably win a championship, who are you to tell them they should be enjoying it in some other way?

To some, the prospects of "hot shot" roster building and the historic cap on success such tactics install, really isn't that much fun to watch.

A haphazardly slapped together group of mercenaries trapping their way to round 2 of the SCPO, doesn't have quite the same emotional impact as watching a young group of players grow up, learn how to lose and eventually win together.

choir of parrots didn't start their "Monkey hear, monkey say" routine until several years back when Brian Burke (With the Flames) went on an anti-tank tirade, the media picked up on it and ever since the sheeple have been "baaahhing" along, like it was ever their opinion, to begin with,

No, you don't have to "ALWAYS WANT TO MAKE THE PLAYOFFS" (TM)
You don't HAVE to do anything, this team is not the Police or Ambulance service, or another type of essential service.'

It exists solely for the entertainment of its customers, you buy your ticket, you're entitled to enjoy or object to the obstacles to enjoyment as you see fit.

In this day and age, the big corporate buzz slogan is" "A great brand tells its customers what they need to buy, not the other way around" And you don't need to look too far to see evidence of that here or anywhere  else your dollars are being solicited, but a few of us hold outs know when a white wall has been painted black, we don't wait for the painting company to tell us which color it is.

So keep your "Always.." and "Musts..." to yourself.....because they weren't even your opinion, to begin with,


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