Free at last! Free at last! Griffin Reinhart is free at last! (let's hope Jordan Subban is as lucky)

    In a career saving, prayer answering group of sentences Griffin Reinharts dreams, for which he worked his whole life, were rescued from the clutches of evil men.

When I think of how he must have felt when Vegas took him in the expansion, draft it must have been some small fraction of what a German camp survivor felt as Allied troops rolled in.

Make no mistake, damage has been done, but I think it isn't too late for him,

I think Reinhart will prove himself to be a serviceable #4 D-man

I thought he looked ok in The playoffs, and really how bad can he be?

I think he was a scapegoat because a lot of executives used him to make themselves look bad, so they punished him for their own ineptitude.

Had he been a 2nd or 3rd round pick, he would have been quietly enjoying his solid but unspectacular NHL career for a few years now, but the powers that be, angry at their own ineptitude did their best to convince him he couldn't play and was worthless, like doing so would vindicate them.

He is the luckiest guy in the game right now, to have escaped the Oilers and Islander organizations is a one-way ticket out of hell, in Vegas, he will quietly and surely rebuild his game and confidence out of the lime light, until one day......he may end up a pretty decent Defenceman,

God is he lucky, he was really one year away from having his career trashed by outside influences,

Now, closer to home.......Was Subban available in the expansion? I feel really sorry for him that he wasn't taken, and I'm a little surprised actually. It's gone beyond the point of being amusing, and whatever team you cheer for I hate seeing a kid with talent get ground down into nothing for reasons unknown, I don't care if he ends up the next P.K for another team, he needs to get the hell out of Vancouver ASAP.

Whatever has happened to him here hasn't made sense for a REALLY LONG TIME, I hate to think it's the NHL old boys club, who can't touch P.K, getting their shots in on his brother and Jimbo playing along to win their favor, but anyone who knows anything about the ugly side of the NHL knows what I'm talking about (Not a racism accusation, it's that they actually hated P.K's not falling into line, which they can't stand, I know it's bizarre but these are very weird people, that BTW is the reason he was shown the door in Montreal Bergevin is an "Old Boy" brought into the fold by Mario Lemieux, Gretzky hates them but doesn't want to hurt the game by calling them out)

There is a reason the NHL has always been #4 by a mile and has a history of bizarre self-destructive behavior,

Someday, before he dies, I hope Gretzy writes the book, he knows where all the bodies are buried.

Lets just hope one of those bodies doesn't belong to Jordan Subban,


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