Jake Virtanen meet your future...his name is JIM SANDLAK

  Listen Canuck fans! When the good cheer of this current win streak fades and you crawl into your beds on these gloomy fall nights`, as the shadows of the trees dance like ghosts upon your window sill and the howling of the wind seems to lull you with it's sinister lullaby.

Listen closely and you will hear that darkened voice of doom calling it's victims past and future by name, Listen I say! For their tale of woe is one best heeded, lest one become forgetful of victims past and their mournful fate. Listen and you will hear the wraiths of seasons past lamenting the name of one Jim Sandlak. Those too young 5to remember, best count their blessings, those who lived through this shadowed era must relive it when the wind calls his name. 
A great power forward he was, terror of the Junior ranks it seemed young Sandlak was destined for greatness till one ill-fated day upon a draft, an evil GM took to the stand and in front of the god-fearing folk of the NHL, stole him away to the cursed wastelands of the west from which many a fine young player never returned.n fact at that very moment The team was busy destroying the career of one Cam Neely, but I was thought he would break under the weight if expectations set upon him and the ,,,,It would be Sandlak's turn.

Thinking Neely was better left for dead and there was new sadistic pleasure to be had they shipped Cam's body of to Boston for a proper burial, while they focused their attentions on destroying the NEXT great power forward prospect, Little Jimmy Sandlak.

And destroy him they did, undermining his confidence at every turn he laboured on too long without offensive success, and like moist power forwards the injuries caught up with him, on with nary a whisper he was slipped quietly out of town is under cover of night (Or future considerations deal) to the last bastion of hockey Belfiore the wastelands, Harford's waler's

Sandlack was drafted 5th over-all  and struggled to ever score here he was under constant critique for his fitness commitment and attitude, he trusted the team, and the team ended any usefulness he may have  had as a hockey player, they would try much the same thing with a certain Mr. Bertuzzi years later, but he was surely enough to tell the Canucks to shovel.

Which brings us to present day, when one looks into the rookie cards of Jake V=irtanen it's hard not to see the ghost of "House" Jim Sandlak, haunting the halls at Rodgers arena, begging Jake not to make the same mistakes he did and trust an organization that has had it in for power forwards since day 1., More due to ignorance of how to develop them properly than any true malice.

But where there's smoke there's fire, and ifr VGirtanen doesn't watch out and heed the story of Jim Sandlak,

He may find himself burned


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