Canucks in the hands of morons?

The #1 most crucial step in a rebuild is removing the cornerstone players of the old core.

While they are still in place team culture, attitude and identity remain the same getting progressively more stale by the year until it becomes bull blown rot. The old leaders most be moved out so the young guys coming up can grab those leadership spots and re-make the team in their own image.

Look at Calgary, they stubbornly refused to move out Iginla, who is as important to them as Trevor is to us, the moment they surrendered and moved him things started to go right for that team, new leaders popped up out of nowhere and the team became exciting vibrant and fun to follow. This year or last should have been the season the Sedins moved on to Washington or Montreal or even FLA or NAS to go get their cup. and the year Horvat and other top picks made this team their own,  Burrows and Hanson could remain to make sure the kids stay on track. But.....

 there is a big problem with making that transition right now and the problem proves JB is one of the worst GM's this team has ever had, maybe ever

the single biggest roadblock to succession at this time is that in the last two drafts the team, NEEDED to acquire another top 6 center, the top two centers and #1 Dman are the three players who make a team what it is, but JB and Aqua seemed completely oblivious to this fact and how desperate the need was and lazily drafted "project" power forwards and depth defensemen, squandering the key to our future.

Horvat needs help to form the next leadership group and right now he has none, Juolevi and Virtanen were absolutely terrible picks for where this team was at and have set this team back 5 years.

It is possible that the Canucks disappear into an Oiler-like Black hole, with the old guard fading and not enough new soldiers to take their place.

This is the year so much is riding on, JB needs to get whatever he can for the Sedin's at the deadline and then at the draft it is ALL IN FOR THE BEST CENTER ICEMAN AVAILABLE

Any other strategy proves we are in the hands of idiotse


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