L.A King's Twitter troll Taveres...and he DESERVES IT!

The Kings have a weird approach to twitter,

They had that thing with UFC....I can't remember what the King's said but the UFC comeback was something like:"Our 4th line could take your 4th line" or something,

Whoever runs the thing clearly has marching orders to be obnoxious...hey, I get it...We're talking about it aren't we?

But in regards to what they just said and people saying it "crosses the line"....

....Ok, we're all hockey fans, but some fands seem to lose touch with reality at some point,

Tavares comes off as a decent guy, but taking offense for a multi-millionaire and fearing he may be ********* as he tries to decide who gets to make him a kazillionaire next year is silly,
if it hurts he can wipe and lather with some $1000 bills, I'm sure it will ease the pain.

Now if it's Islanders fans you are concerned about, don't be *****ing about the KING's twitter.....because.....THEY ARE RIGHT

Tavares had no cause to turn this thing into such a gong-show, if he wasn't coming back he should have told the Islanders to trade him, and gotten them some assets on the way out, not as thanks to the team but as thanks to THE FANS who made him a rich man.

If he WAS coming back then this deal should already be done, why Tavares thought he should turn this into a "Cinderella's glass slipper" spectacle, I don't know, but it makes me think less of him.

Also, it makes me think a little less of the Islanders who shouldn't let ANY player pull this stuff, there should be a deadline to sign, for a star of his magnitude it should be the trade deadline PRIOR to the final trade deadline of his contract

All this Diva crap is a turn-off, Tavares is good, BUT HE'S NOT A 100pt PLAYER! THIS IS TOO MUCH! Barazal is on track to be better than he is before long........oh, and BTW Johhny-boy......where's the playoff success? What exactly makes you think you are worth all this? 80pts........woopee, sorry bud you are on the back 9, your best days are behind you and you brought your team NOWHERE

So yeah, when you love the team you play for and the fans who pay the bills you DON'T have to stage an "ALL ABOUT ME" summer festival


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