I've got two words for Erik Karlsson.....

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season! 

Well....maybe not actually, let me re-phrase that: "I hope everyone is having the type of Holliday that they are WORTH no more, no less".....Whoa! on second thought: "I love the holidays, the holidays are home, I love them, I always want it to be the holidays, I want everyone to know that I'm 100% committed to HAVING A HAPPY HOLIDAY"

Can someone get me a hemorrhoid cushion for Christmas? The old' cheeks are a little sore from talking out both sides of my a$$?

So, where were we.....Ah! Yes!.....

It's that time o' year again! for sloppy, drunken, eggnog fumed "too much tongue" misseltoe mishaps, for piles of dollar-store, discount bin, "Oh crap! it's 4pm on Christmas Eve, I better get gifts in case some a$$hole gets me one" presents, legions of sugar-buzzed children weeping over not getting the crap they wanted, drunken parents deciding that the big family dinner is the perfect place to settle the old scores, all at once too...man the fun never stops at Yuletide, which incidentally rhymes with suicide......

FUN FACT: Did you know there are more suicides during the holidays, than any other time of year?

It seems we'd hardly have space to pack any more fun into the holiday season, but one man: Erik Karlsson. Has decided to show up with a shoe-horn

I'm not going to recount the details of what brought us to this point, you already know them and quite frankly, I don't pay the NHL to have to listen to the type of crap Karlsson and those self-less heroes over at Newport Sports have been forcing us to (Hey, Newport, why don't you try and GIVE some money for a change, did it ever occur to you that you could do that?)

But the end result of all that has happened has left us with one reality with which to deal. Erik Karlsson wants as much money as he can possibly get, no matter what it costs him.

I won't repeat his deceptive "Exactly what I'm worth" line because he didn't mean it, he was lying. Because if you really think about it, what is a 12 million dollar player worth to ANY team?

There is an inherent problem with 12 million dollar players

and people always neglect to mention it......Once a guy has performed well enough to earn a top dollar deal, they usually have their best days behind them
Look at Towes and Kane, if I'm not mistaken ALL the cups were won prior to their mega-deals, does anyone here really think those two are going to get better?

No, they maintain, or most likely, become a little more average for the rest of their careers.

Does anyone really believe that Karlson is going to be BETTER in a year and a half?

He won't, he'll decline a bit (were probably seeing that now) then he'll level out, and be a good  if not "as good" player until his final decline

The way NHL salaries are set-up right now, by the time you get to the top money spots, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be worth what you are paid, forget lost trade assets, payroll trimming to accommodate the bloated contract of a good but not dominant player will destroy any cup hopes.

You basically get paid for what you did not for what you are doing,

Make no mistake, Karlsson screwed the Sens BIG TIME, and then went right from there to lying through his teeth to the team's fans, everything he has done during this debacle has been a typical Newport sports "manipulation through media" in an attempt by a multi-millionaire to squeeze an extra few million that he'll probably never even use out of the business he works for. And he did so while demonstrating quite clearly he could care less about the customers of that business, first holding up a big middle-finger to them by taking the focus off the entertainment they pay him to provide and using that time to instead focus on his pocketbook, as if the average Sens fan who works for a living, wouldn't be offended by having to listen to his manipulative drivel, when some of them are probably struggling to make house and car payments, they have to listen to this self-centered money-addict talk about his next fix?

Then, he turns around and days later TOTALLY contradicts himself, does he think people are really this stupid?

Well Erik, either you were lying then or you're lying now, but that you are dishonest and disingenuous is now a proven fact.

Did anyone else catch his other quote? "I think the Sens have done a good job of giving me what I need to win"

If that doesn't reveal what a self-centered man of low-character he is then I ...well, I don't have to do anything, because it does.

Seriously? He thinks the whole point of all this is HIS ability to win? WRONG!

The ONLY reason he is there is to ENTERTAIN THE PAYING CUSTOMERS, that will involve some winning some losing, maybe a cup maybe not, but his job is to make sure that the story of the Senators continues to be told and that the chapters he writes are as exciting as possible, win or lose

So, what do I trade for this guy? Nothing, I'm not entertained by watching people like this play, it's distracting and interferes with my ability to enjoy the story of the game, I wouldn't take him for free, 

I have zero interest in putting any money in Newports Sleazy pockets, but when a player collides with them at my expense, to further line their pockets?

Get him away from my team,

If this guy was already on my team?

I would have two words for Mr. Karlsson

"....." "..."

Then I'd have another two words.....

"Go home"


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